Frequently Asked Questions
What does RAWC stand for?
RAWC stands for "Recreation and Wellness Center," and it is pronounced "raw-k" or "rock."
What are the operating hours?
Regular semester hours:
Monday-Friday: 5:30 am-10:30 pm
Saturday: 8 am -2 pm
Sunday: 5 pm-9 pm
All operating hours are also listed on our home page. The facility hours vary slightly during the summer and holidays from the hours during the school semester. Please check our social media channels for varying closure times, emergency closures, limited or operations or adaptions to our hours.
Facebook: OBU Recreation and Wellness
Instagram: obu_bisonrecwell
NOTE: Due to the extensive tornado damage on the OBU campus in April of 2023, various programs and organizations across campus are using space in the RAWC to host events. Because of this additional activity, it may be necessary for us to adjust hours open to the public and in some cases, the RAWC may be closed for a private campus event. Please check our Facebook and Instagram channels for up-to-date operating hours.
What is the cost of membership?
Basic memberships are free for OBU students, faculty, and staff. OBU community memberships are available at cost. Those eligible for an OBU community membership include: alumni, president's council, con-current students, graduate students, OBU student spouse, and OBU contract employees.
What is required for admittance?
To utilize the facility, you will need to bring your OBU ID card. We ask for you to abide by the dress code and follow our center policies.
What activities will I be able to experience?
The RAWC offers a host of exercise, recreation and wellness options. This is your facility to utilize in any way that fits your needs. We suggest you: Walk, Jog, Run, Bike, Climb, Step, Slide, Stride, Pedal, Spin, Dribble, Shoot, Pass, Set, Spike, Serve, Move, Learn, Talk, Laugh, Stretch, Balance, Lift, Breathe, Relax . . . . in a word: "REC - RE - ATE!"
What are the operating hours of the Climbing Wall?
Because your safety is a main priority in the RAWC, we staff the climbing wall with trained and experienced rock climbers. They are there to assist you and offer a supervised and structured experience. Since this activity is unique in its use and supervision, it is only open during the latter part of the afternoon and evening and on the weekends. To enhance safety and your overall climbing experience, we make certain climbing is supervised during these open wall times.
What if I need assistance using the equipment?
The RAWC welcomes the OBU community and members to use any and all equipment that suits your fitness and recreation goals. As you explore different aspects of the gym and equipment, we want to be sure you feel comfortable and confident with your individual experience. Therefore, our friendly and knowledgeable staff is readily available to assist you at whatever level of activity you desire.