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Training and Prevention

Learn about prevention, intervention, response, reporting and support for sexual misconduct.


While there are no absolute ways to protect yourself from being the victim of a sexual assault, there are some cautionary things you can do to protect yourself from being assaulted.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings
It is important to know where you are, who is around you and who may be able to assist if you are caught in a bad situation.

Don't Let Yourself Be Isolated
Don’t let yourself be isolated with someone you don’t trust or someone you don’t know.

Trust Your Instincts
If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, leave immediately.

Don't Give into Coercion
Don’t allow someone else to talk you into a staying in a situation or participating in an act or activities with which you do not agree.

Be Prepared
Make sure your cell phone is with you and charged and that you have resources for other transportation if needed.

Don't Go Alone
When you go to social gatherings, go with a group. Arrive together, check with each other throughout the event and make sure you all leave together.

Be Careful Around Alcohol
You are encouraged to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages altogether, but if you choose to drink, be mindful of the following:

  • Never leave your drink unattended
  • If you do leave your drink, pour it out and get a new one.
  • Do not accept a drink from anyone you do not know and trust.
  • Watch out for your friends and vice versa.
  • If your friend seems out of control or intoxicated, get him or her to a safe place immediately. Do not allow the person to be separated from you.


Bystander Intervention
Bystanders play a critical role in the prevention of relationship violence. Bystanders are often the largest group of people involved in acts of relationship violence. Webster dictionary defines bystander as “one who is present, but not taking part in a situation or event; a chance spectator.” In terms of relationship violence, a bystander can be 1) a person who may be aware that an assault is occurring or a person who has knowledge that an assault will happen, 2) a person who observes an assault or one who witness potential assault, or 3) a person who has information that an assault has already happened. The phrase bystander intervention indicates by engaging ever so slightly in a situation, a bystander may be able to prevent a potential assault or assist a victim by getting help.

Speak Up and Speak Out
If you hear or see someone doing something that is not right, let them know you believe their behavior is wrong. Let them know if they do not stop, you will call or report them to the authorities. Do not laugh at racist, sexist or homophobic jokes. Challenge your friends and acquaintances to be respectful of differences and people.

Be Respectful
You should model the behavior you know is right for your friends and acquaintances. The behavior you model in your relationship can be a great guide for your friends to follow. 

Create a Distraction
If you witness a friend harassing another person, intervene by asking your friend a question: Ask your friend to accompany you to a different location. If it is a stranger intervention, from a distance ask the individual for directions or for the time. The goal of distraction is to provide the victim time to move away and to provide the abuser a chance to refocus his/her thoughts. 

Silent Stare
Sometimes the most powerful action a person can take is to provide a disapproving stare. The use of the stare provides the perpetrator an understanding they are being watched and that their behavior is seen by another.

Get Help
Victims of violence often are confused and incapable of making rational decisions after an assault. A bystander can assist a victim by reassuring and staying with a victim until professional assistance is provided. Additionally, the bystander should be willing to get the victim help.

Responding to a Crime

Make Sure You and Your Friend Are Safe
If you perceive immediate danger, on campus call University Police at 405.878.6000; off-campus, call 911.

Seek Medical Attention
Encourage your friend to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as well as seeking professional counseling. For immediate medical attention go to SSM Health St. Anthony Hospital across from campus.  The University’s Counseling Services offers confidential counseling and can be contacted at405.585.4530.

Stay with Them
Stay with your friend until the person is safe and with someone he or she trusts.

Get Help
Provide your friend with information related to resources for help.

  • University Police Department: 405.878.6000
  • Project Safe: 405.273.9953 or 800.821.9953
  • Counseling Services: 405.585.4530
  • Title IX Coordinator: 405.585.5250

Reporting a Crime

OBU is concerned about the health, safety and well-being of all members of the university community. If you, or someone you know, believe that you may be a victim of sexual misconduct, you are encouraged to seek immediate assistance. The following chart provides information related to where you can obtain assistance.

Title IX Contacts
Resource Contact
University Police Department 405.878.6000
Shawnee Police Department 911
Incidents Involving Employees
Title IX Coordinator for Employees
Incidents Involving Students
Title IX Coordinator for Students
University Counselor 405.585.4530
Project Safe 405.273.9953 or 800.821.9953

Reporting Forms

Long-Term Support

Listen and demonstrate you believe your friend.
Be sure your friend knows you will be supportive. It is important to let her know you are willing to listen when they are ready to talk. Being a real friend sometimes means you will listen without offering too much conversation.

Be reassuring.
Remind your friend anyone can be a victim of a sexual assault act and that it is not their fault. Your friend may be blaming herself about being a victim, and it is important to assure their actions did not cause the assault.

Let your friend lead the conversation and disclosure.
Protect your friend’s privacy and confidence. Allow your friend to determine the pace and focus of the conversation and when they are willing to discuss the assault. Do not force the topic.

Be aware of your own feelings.
You may feel hurt, angry, guilty, anxious or frightened. Such feelings are understandable, but your reactions may feel surprising, confusing or overwhelming. Seek counseling support for your feelings.

Know and respect your limitations.
You can only do so much to help. You can only provide support and compassion. Know your limitations.

How to Help a Survivor of Abuse or Violence
First and foremost, be aware of your personal bias which may interfere with you understanding the victim’s situation. If you cannot be objective, refer the individual to another person for support.

Be familiar with campus and community resources. Know your limitations and be ready to encourage the individual to seek professional assistance: counselor, medical professional or the police.

Reassure the victim and be a support by assisting them (if desired) in considering their options.