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Learn more about how OBU’s Title IX policies affect you as a student.

OBU strives to be a Christian liberal arts university that transforms lives by equipping students to pursue academic excellence, integrate faith with all areas of knowledge, engage a diverse world, and live worthy of the high calling of God in Christ. To fulfill this purpose, and to protect and promote the health and welfare of its students, faculty, and staff, OBU is committed to ending all types of discrimination that could occur on campus. Students who attend the university are expected to uphold the basic principles that underlie the values, rights, and responsibilities of the university community.

Questions to Consider When Making a Report

While the choice to report an incident of sexual misconduct is a difficult decision, it is important to understand that filing a report of any type of sexual assault or harassment can be the start to the restorative process. In addition, reporting or pressing charges against a perpetrator can prevent an offender from harming another person.

Individuals who are subject to an act of violence may perceive the process as being too difficult. For that reason, knowing what to expect at each step of the process may provide comfort in making the decision to file a report or not file a report.

The following are questions/answers to provide you information about the process.

Can I get in trouble if I file a report and information indicates I violated a university code of values?
The university’s amnesty provision within the Title IX policy states: “amnesty is provided to Complainants for other related student code of conduct violations occurring as part of the factual circumstances surrounding or derived from the alleged unwanted conduct of a sexual nature described in the complaint. The purpose of this privilege is to remove barriers to the reporting of incidents of sexual misconduct” (student handbook p. 87).

Do I have to make a report to the police or campus police?
The decision to make any report or file a complaint is your choice. You are not required to file a report with the police, but you may choose to file a report and instruct the police to hold the information you provided until such time that you are ready to proceed. Police departments are not required to act upon any report of sexual misconduct except in situations where a child (person under 16 years of age) is involved.

Can I file a report with the university and not the police?
A person may file a complaint with the University Title IX Coordinator.  A report filed with the Title IX Coordinator will allow the complainant to have limited control over the process, unless there is a determination the act described jeopardizes the safety of another or the well-being of members of the university community.

What to expect after you file a sexual assault or sexual misconduct report?
Once a sexual assault report is filed, the person who filed the report will have a meeting with the university’s Title IX coordinator. Based on information provided during the meeting and the report, the Title IX coordinator will discuss next steps with the necessary individual(s).

What are the sanctions that can be issued for a sexual assault violation?
Sanctions for sexual assault/sexual misconduct violations range from mandatory training to university expulsion.

How to File a Report

Online Forms

University Police Department

  • Incident report may be file with any university police officer
  • Call University Police Department 405.878.6000

Title IX Coordinator

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Off-campus Resources

  • Project Safe – 405.273.9953 or 800.821.9953
  • Shawnee Police Department – 405.273.2121 (non-emergency); 911 (emergency)

What Happens After a Report is Filed

Steps to review allegation of sexual misconduct (these steps are provided as a general guide to the review process. Steps may be modified pursuant to unforeseen circumstances)

  1. Written submission of an allegation by a complainant (the complainant is an individual who is alleged to be a victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment or other forms of harassment).
  2. Review of the allegation by the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator.
  3. Inquiry with the complainant about the alleged sexual misconduct and provide supportive measures.
  4. Inquiry with the respondent (the respondent is an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute any form of harassment including sexual harassment); in this meeting respondent will be provided an opportunity to understand the allegation, who has made the allegation, and an opportunity to know options available to assist them; supportive measures will be provided to Respondent as well.
  5. Title IX Coordinator will provide notice to both the Complainant and Respondent that interviews will commence leading to a final report of all facts, evidence, and findings.
  6. Summary report – this report will provide an understanding of the allegations and responses from the Complainant, Respondent, and all identified Witnesses. Both parties will have an opportunity to review their information.
  7. Campus Hearing to review the allegation – A Hearing will be conducted by the Hearing Panel – a three (3) person group whose role is to determine whether it is by the preponderance of the evidence, more likely than not that the facts and evidence in the complaint are either true or false. The hearing will include the presentation of information by the Title IX Coordinator, Complainant's Advisor, Respondent's Advisor and any Witnesses. 
  8. Possible sanctions that may be imposed if a person is determined to be responsible for a sexual misconduct act range from mandatory training to expulsion from the university

The complete process is outlined in OBU’s Title IX Policy found in Appendix B of the Student Handbook.

What is Consent?

Consent means the affirmative, unambiguous and voluntary agreement to engage in a specific sexual activity during a sexual encounter which can be revoked at any time. Words or overt actions clearly communicate consent when a reasonable person in the circumstances would believe those words or actions indicate a willingness to participate in a mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. Although consent is not required to be verbal, verbal communication is the most reliable form of asking for and obtaining consent. It is the responsibility of the person initiating the specific sexual activity to obtain consent for that activity and any and all ongoing activities.

Who are individuals who cannot consent to engage in sexual activity?

  • In Oklahoma, the legal age of consent is 16 years of age.
  • An individual who is too intoxicated to give consent or one who is under the influence of other mind altering drugs or substances
  • A person whose mental capacity limits their understanding of sexual activity


  • Consent is mutually understood and freely given “yes,” not the absence of “no.” Silence or failing to resist does not imply consent.
  • Consent to one sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.
  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Once consent is withdrawn, the act for which the consent was originally given must cease.
  • The existence of previous relationships or previous consent does not imply consent to future sexual activity.
  • An existing sexual, romantic, dating, or marital relationship does not imply consent.
  • Prior sexual activity with other individuals does not imply consent to sexual activity with other individuals.
  • Consent cannot be procured, expressly or implicitly, by use of force, intimidation, threats, or coercion.

What should you do if you believe you have been violated?

  • Get to a safe location as quickly as you are able. You should call a trusted friend or family member and seek medical attention immediately. While you do not have to report a violation immediately, you should consider calling the police to make a report of the assault.  
  • Talk with a professional counselor; trauma from an assault can be life threatening and it is important to speak with another who is capable to assist and support you as you deal with emotions which may follow the assault.
  • Contact the University Title IX Coordinator to know your rights and options.

Amnesty Provision

OBU’s goal is to encourage the reporting of any and all sexual assault incidents so that those individuals affected can receive the support and resources needed.  Therefore, an amnesty provision has been included in OBU’s Title IX Policy. It reads as follows: Amnesty is provided to Complainants for other related student code of conduct violations occurring as part of the factual circumstances surrounding or derived from the alleged unwanted conduct of a sexual nature described in the complaint. The purpose of this privilege is to remove barriers to the reporting of incidents of sexual misconduct.

Review Title IX Policy

It is a good practice for all students to be familiar with the OBU’s Title IX Policy. The complete policy can be found in Appendix B of the Student Handbook.