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ACT Residual Testing

The OBU on-campus residual ACT is held in the OBU Testing Center, located on the 3rd floor of the library. The library's north side faces MacArthur Street and has a large parking lot just to the west. The entrance is located on the south side of the building.

Each test will begin at 8 a.m. the day of the test. Please arrive 15-20 minutes before your scheduled exam. No cell phones or electronic watches are allowed during the entire exam, not even breaks.

Remember to bring with you:

  1. A photo ID (either non-expired government-issued ID or current school ID)
  2. An ACT-approved calculator
  3. $65 payment for test (cash or check written to Oklahoma Baptist University)

ACT Policy states that your test score is ONLY valid at OBU and CANNOT be sent anywhere else. Students must wait 60 days between on campus residual tests.

This test fee is non-refundable.

To make a reservation please fill out the form below. All tests begin at 8 a.m. For any questions, please call OBU Testing Center at 405.585.5080.

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