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OBU’s Statement Regarding Racism and Injustice

June 2, 2020

OBU President Dr. Heath A. Thomas issued the following statement Tuesday, June 2, 2020, on behalf of the University:

OBU mourns the violence and injustice perpetrated in our country even to this day. The killing of George Floyd testifies yet again to racism and injustice in our country and communities. OBU must continue our commitment to stand resolutely against injustice and racial inequalities; recent events in our nation remind us that we have much work to do.

We stand with our African-American brothers and sisters and we stand with those who rise to the Lord’s call of Micah 6:8: “Mankind, he has told each of you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God” (CSB). God’s Word reminds us of the standard for love that is found in Jesus. As He has loved us, so must we love one another (1 John 4:20-21).

Our commitment to address discrimination and racism must be unwavering and continual as we ensure our campus is a safe and hospitable space for all students, faculty, and staff. This battle against the sin of systemic racism and discrimination will require prayer, commitment, and compassion. And it will require us to continue to work together. We must continue an unwavering commitment to make it so. Anything less does not honor God or our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please continue to pray for our country, government officials, and the affected families during these difficult times.

Dr. Heath A. Thomas, President