Enrollment Now Open for Fall Music Lessons and Ensembles at OBU
June 28, 2019
The OBU Music Preparatory Department is accepting enrollment for the fall 2019 semester. The Music Preparatory Department offers music lessons, choirs and group classes for students of all ages.
Private lessons are open to students age 6 through adult and are offered in many areas, including piano, voice, strings, winds, brass and percussion. Lessons are offered in 30-minute, 45-minute or 60-minute increments. Fall sessions include 15 private lessons plus a performance opportunity. Students have the opportunity to take lessons from more than 20 OBU faculty and student instructors. Lessons range from $350-$700 per semester (depending on lesson length) and may be paid in four monthly
Students may also join a choir in OBU’s Music Preparatory Department. Vocal ensembles meet once per week for 15 weeks during the fall and spring semesters and include at least one performance opportunity during each semester.
Students grades 8 through 12 may audition for the Concert Choir, which is under the direction of
Auditions for both choirs for this fall will be held Tuesday, Aug. 20, from 5-6:30 p.m. in Raley Chapel room 141 on the OBU campus. Auditions are first-come, first-served, and consist of musical games and singing “Happy Birthday.” If the audition date does not work for you, contact the department to schedule an alternative audition time. Choirs are $130 per semester and may be paid in four monthly
Group piano classes are also offered for elementary through adult students. Keyboard Concepts is designed to introduce students ages 6 and 7 to elementary music reading and piano skills in an atmosphere that is stimulating and fun. Activities include singing, listening to music, moving to music, keeping a steady beat, learning note-names and preparing simple pieces at the keyboard. The class, which meets Tuesdays 5-6 p.m., is taught by
Group Piano for Adults is a beginner piano course for students age 22 and above. It offers a fun, stimulating and collaborative approach to learning the piano for those with little to no previous experience. The class, taught by