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Brantley to Lead Recruitment for OBU Graduate College

September 6, 2018

Will Brantley, director of admissions at Oklahoma Baptist University, will transition to a new role at the university effective Sept. 10. Brantley will join the OBU Graduate College as director of recruitment.

Brantley came to Bison Hill in 2015. He previously served at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, as a senior enrollment counselor. He earned a bachelor's degree from Union with a double-major in psychology and youth ministry and a master's degree in intercultural studies.

“I’m honored to bring my experience and knowledge in recruitment and admissions to the Graduate College,” Brantley said. “OBU has so much to offer students both at the undergraduate and graduate levels and I’m looking forward to helping tell our story of how a graduate degree from OBU can help propel students even further than they thought possible. It’s challenging work but I can’t wait to be a part of helping our Graduate College grow.”

Dr. Susan DeWoody, vice president for academic affairs, is grateful to have Brantley as director of recruitment.

“The Graduate College is poised for future growth and success, and I am delighted that Will Brantley has agreed to serve as the director of recruitment for the Graduate College at OBU,” she said. “The Graduate College team members and I look forward to serving with him to pursue the mission of OBU.”

The Graduate College offers master’s degrees in marriage and family therapy, nursing, business administration, Christian studies and intercultural studies.

For more information on graduate degree options at OBU, or to apply, visit