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Chapman Challenges Students to Make Disciples

March 13, 2013

Chapman, selected as the Herschel H. Hobbes College of Theology and Ministry student speaker for the spring semester, presented his message over Psalm 67, continuing OBU's chapel theme, "The Psalms." A senior pastoral ministry major, Chapman is from Elmore City, Okla.

He began his message with a story about his experience playing high school basketball. Though not very talented at the sport, he participated in practice and learned the playbook just like everyone else. As a "third string player on a ten man team," Chapman said he rarely entered the game unless it was a blowout. When entering the game, though, Chapman described himself as a "nervous wreck."

"I knew the drills, I knew plays, I knew all the stuff -- but when it came time for the game -- I failed miserably," said Chapman. "Even though we don't want to admit it, often times that is a perfect descriptor of our lives as Christians."


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Chapman noted that as believers, Christians have been equipped with everything they need. Believers go to church, Sunday School and Bible study, and they read books, discuss and develop theology, and listen to passionate preaching. But when walking out of their churches, classrooms and chapels, believers often fail miserably at translating what they have learned into their daily lives. Christians also struggle, he said, with sharing their transformational faith with people around them who do not have a personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Before reciting Psalm 67, Chapman asked students to consider what it means to be obedient to what God says, to have a heart like God or to share God's desires.

The first truth found in Psalm 67 is that God gives blessings to make himself known, said Chapman. Verses 1-2 read, "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us -- so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations" (NIV).

The significance of the first verse -- God's blessing -- is revealed in the second verse, said Chapman.

"Why in the world should we pray for God to bless us?" Chapman asked. "Isn't that self-seeking, self-serving and just self-centered? … God's glory is the reason for our blessings. … God blesses us so we can be a blessing to other people."

Chapman referenced Moses and the glow on his face after spending time with God on Mount Sinai, and asked students if other people can notice a difference that God makes in their lives.

"As believers, everything we are and everything we do should point to the name of our king, Jesus Christ; our good works, our lifestyles, everything," said Chapman.

Chapman applied Matthew 28:18-20 to Christ being the center of everything we do, which commands Christians to go and make disciples of all men. He said it can be easy to memorize that verse or to pick it apart theologically, but then never actually obey the commands given to Christians.

"We are not called to be hoarders of the Gospel," Chapman said. "We are called to be heralds of the Gospel; proudly proclaiming the word of God to anyone and everyone who will listen."

The second truth found in Psalm 67 is that God is revealed to people that he might receive his praise, Chapman said.

"The Gospel leads to great joy in our lives as believers," he said. "We are part of an international group of people who live daily to tell the world about our king (Jesus Christ). And this is a community that spans a millennia. If that's not something to be excited about, I'm not sure what is."

In closing, Chapman encouraged students to live with urgency in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, and asked students to consider a thought.

"If the spread of the Gospel was only up to you, would it be spread?" he asked.