OBU Presents Hobbs Award to Robert Kellogg
November 16, 2012
OBU presented the Herschel H. Hobbs Award for Distinguished Denominational Service, named in honor of a legendary Southern Baptist pastor and denominational statesman, to Robert Kellogg on Tuesday, Nov. 13, during the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma annual meeting in Moore, Okla.
Kellogg, a 1984 OBU graduate who serves as president and CEO of the Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma, received the award from Dr. David Whitlock, president of OBU. Kellogg has served in foundation leadership since 1993.
The award is named to honor the noteworthy Southern Baptist denominational service of Dr. Herschel H. Hobbs, a prolific author, preacher and radio program host. Hobbs was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City from 1949-72. He died in 1995.
"We are honored to present the Herschel H. Hobbs Award for Distinguished Denominational Service to Robert Kellogg for outstanding servant leadership to the churches of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the Southern Baptist Convention," Whitlock said.
Robert Kellogg receives the Herschel H. Hobbs Award for Distinguished Denominational Service from Dr. David Whitlock.
Whitlock noted Kellogg has exemplified servant leadership not only to the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, but also to the affiliates of the BGCO.
"He has served in industry, on the staff of OBU, and in denominational service for the last 19 years," Whitlock said. "You may recognize him as the one who can recite by memory the Sermon on the Mount. Most of you will recognize him as the president and CEO of the Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma. He manages more than $300 million in Foundation assets and faithfully manages with our utmost confidence the OBU endowment."
Kellogg joined the Foundation as vice president of investments and computer information systems. He was promoted to senior vice president and then executive vice president and chief operating officer. On January 25, 2002, he was elected as the Foundation's fifth president.
He received his bachelor of administration degree in computer and information sciences from OBU and a master of business administration from Amber University (formerly Abilene Christian College) in Garland, Texas. He was director of information systems and services at OBU from 1989-93 before joining the Foundation. He came to OBU from Texas Instruments of Dallas, where he worked in its marketing systems department.
Kellogg has been responsible for leading the Foundation to a unique spending policy that provides beneficiary causes with a dependable, predictable flow of income. During his tenure he also has focused on improving the Foundation's budgeting process, computer technology, accounting and communications.
He and his wife, Tonia, OBU's director of executive offices, attend Immanuel Baptist Church in Shawnee, where he serves as a deacon. They have two daughters, Samantha and Andrea.