OBU Honors 455 Years of Service
April 5, 2012
Recognizing a combined 455 years of service to the institution, OBU honored 37 faculty and staff members during the university's annual Service Awards Banquet April 3.
Dr. Bill Hagen, professor of English, was honored for 38 years of service at the University as he prepares to retire at the end of the 2011-12 academic year. Also honored were retirees Dr. Roger Hadley, Frank W. and Pauline G. Patterson professor of journalism and professor of telecommunication, for 27 years of service; Dr. Carolyn Cole, Crouch-Mathis professor of literature, for 25 years of service; Dr. Richard Cheek, dean of library services, for 11 years of service; and Gerry Milligan, assistant professor of nursing, for four years of service. The retirees represent a total of 105 years of service to the University.
Those honored included (front row, from left) Bruce Perkins, Timothy McCollum, Dr. Karen Longest, Denise Jett, Dandi Pruiett, Deanna Chesser, Ruth Suddock; (second row, from left) Dale Griffin, Connie Peters, Dr. Keith Whitmore, Anthony Morgan, Dr. Jeanne Akin, Tina Stackhouse, Dr. Bill Buchanan; (third row, from left) Dr. Richard Cheek, Tonya Lane, Lisa Hair, Jonna Raney, Thomas Hall, Dr. Wanda Robinson, Robin Scarberry, Gus Stevenson; (back row, from left) Dr. Andrew Armond, Dr. Charles Swadley, Dr. Bill Hagen, Dr. Canaan Crane, Forest Pickett, David Gilmore, Chris Klimas, David Dollins and Dr. John Nichols.
In addition to Cole, Dr. Bill Buchanan and David Gilmore also were honored for a quarter-century of service. Buchanan is associate professor of church recreation, and Gilmore is electrical/mechanical trades supervisor.
Those honored for 20 years of service at OBU included Stephanie Cash, secretary for the College of Nursing; Carol Morrison, programmer/analyst; and Dr. Keith Whitmore, assistant professor of music and staff accompanist.
Twelve individuals were honored for 15 years of service, including Dr. Jeanne Akin, professor of teacher education; Julie Blackstone, assistant professor of art; Dorinda Cullum, secretary to the dean of science and mathematics; Donna France, plant services coordinator; Denise Jett, access services and curriculum librarian; Dr. Bobby Kelly, Ruth Dickinson professor of religion; Dr. John Nichols, associate professor of mathematics; Connie Peters, instructor in English/TESOL; Jonna Raney, director of student financial services; Dr. Wanda Robinson, associate professor of nursing; Robin Scarberry, director of grants and prospect research; and Dr. Charles Swadley, associate professor of English and Spanish.
Nine individuals were honored for a decade of service, including Kevin Armstrong, network systems supervisor; Dr. Canaan Crane, assistant professor of psychology; Dale Griffin, dean of spiritual life; Lisa Hair, staff assistant, Facilities Management; Chris Klimas, associate baseball coach; Tonya Lane, transcript clerk; Dr. Karen Longest, associate professor of psychology; Forest Pickett, director of annual fund and development programs; and Dandi Pruiett, bursar.
Ten individuals were honored for five years of service at OBU, including Dr. Andrew Armond, assistant professor of English; Deanna Chesser, secretary to the dean of library services; David Dollins, painter; Thomas Hall, painter; Timothy McCollum, assistant professor of anthropology; Anthony Morgan, electrician assistant; Bruce Perkins, dean of enrollment management; Tina Stackhouse, Facilities Management supervisor; Gus Stevenson, painter; and Ruth Suddock, accounts payable coordinator.