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Student Explores Culture through Photography

October 19, 2016

OBU is hosting a series of senior art shows throughout the fall semester depicting each artist's favorite pieces in accordance with their chosen theme. The 21-year-old student from Dallas will showcase his artwork on campus through Oct. 31 in the Art Division Gallery.

King is using photographs he has taken while traveling to various places around the globe as the focal point of his show.

"When I travel, I always love taking pictures because it helps me to show someone else what other cultures are out there," King said. "I get to share my story of that culture and how it affected me in hopes of giving part of that experience to the other person."

King has been interested in photography since the eighth grade.

"My stepfather got me into it since he works in advertising," King said. "I just really enjoy being challenged by my surroundings, to make a picture out of it all."

Julie Blackstone, OBU assistant professor of art, asked King to do the show because she remembered a picture of the Eiffel Tower that King entered in the annual art auction his freshman year.

"I guess you could call that picture my 'claim to fame' because it is the piece that got me the whole show," King said. "It was taken outside my hotel in Paris, and the picture shows the street we were on, but off in the distance you can see the Eiffel Tower."

King hopes to pursue a graduate degree in criminology at the University of Texas in Dallas after graduation from OBU in May. He also wants to continue taking pictures on his travels abroad.