Art Student Inspired for Senior Show
February 20, 2009
Oklahoma Baptist University senior Lisha Newman said she finds inspiration almost anywhere - inspiration she conveys through her art. The 22-year-old from Holdenville, Okla., will showcase her artwork on campus Feb. 25-March 8 in the Art Division gallery.
OBU will host a series of senior art shows throughout the spring semester depicting each artist's favorite pieces in accordance with their chosen theme.
Newman has chosen "Viewer Interpretation" for the theme of her artwork. She said she hopes to allow the audience to capture their own meaning through her work, rather than one particular meaning holding true for each piece. Inspiration is a key component in the life of any artist, and Newman said she has no trouble finding inspiration for her work in every aspect of existence.
"I tend to think of myself as a somewhat scatterbrained, complex, and sometimes strangely intuitive person," Newman said. "All of these aspects put together usually lead me to find inspiration almost anywhere. May it be from the design of a coffee mug, the shape and shadow of a potato chip, or from an esthetically beautiful sunrise ... inspiration, if I dare say, may be limitless."
Newman is an electronic media production major. Following graduation in May, she plans to move to San Francisco, Calif., in pursuit of a career in photojournalism.
"I believe photography to be a dynamic medium that opens a way to engage my creativity, technique and channel all aspects of my education to produce innovative ways to engage my viewer in the stories of the lives of others," Newman said. "Photography has the capacity to convey stories, issues and ideas that are relevant to a progressively changing society."