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Hall to Teach Nehemiah at Winter Bible Study

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The book of Nehemiah will be the topic for Oklahoma Baptist University's annual Winter Bible Study Clinic. The meeting begins at 9 a.m., Friday, Oct. 29, in the upper level of the Geiger Center, on the OBU campus in Shawnee.

Led by Dr. Kevin Hall, OBU's associate professor of religion, the clinic is free to pastors or other church members who will be leading the Winter Bible Study in their church. There is a $5.75 charge for lunch, payable at the door.

"Studying the book of Nehemiah is timely with the result of recent natural tragedies in our country," said Hall. "For the people of God, Nehemiah has served as a remarkable resource for inspiration in times of trouble. In addition, many have discovered in the example of Nehemiah a profound model of ministry and leadership.

"In the final analysis, however, the book of Nehemiah profiles the justice and mercy of God," he said. "As he surveyed Jerusalem, a city long on history and short on prospects, Nehemiah discerned evidence of God's justice and mercy amidst the rubble and ruin."

Hall became the Old Testament specialist at OBU in 1994, and teaches Hebrew as well as all upper-level Old Testament Bible courses. He is a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he received the M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees.

Before coming to OBU, Hall was a pastor in Texas and served as an adjunct professor at Southwestern Seminary for three years. He has written book reviews for several publications, as well as articles for the Southwestern Journal of Theology and Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. He wrote "The Theology of Genesis 1-11" in the Fall 2001 issue of the Southwestern Journal of Theology.

For further information, please contact the OBU Campus Ministry Office at 405-878-2377 or e-mail