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Dr. Tony Yates
Dr. Tony Yates

Dr. Tony Yates

Professor of Science


  • A.A. Biology, Hutchinson Community Junior College Kansas 
  • B.S. Biology, Oklahoma Christian College
  • M.Ed. Biology Education, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
  • Ph.D., Science Education, University of Oklahoma

Courses Taught

  • BIOL 2354 Human Anatomy Lecture and Lab
  • BIOL 2364 Human Physiology Lecture
  • BIOL 2247 Microbiology Lecture and Lab
  • GNSC 1124 Issues in Biology Lecture and Lab
  • GNSC 3102 History of Science

Publications and Presentations


Yates, T. (2016). Inquiry into Issues in Biology Laboratory Manual. Ronkonkoma: NY. Linus Learning

Yates, T. and Marek, E. (2015). A Study Identifying Biological Evolution-Related Misconceptions Held by Prebiology High School Students. Creative Education, 6, 811-834. doi: 10.4236/ce.2015.68085.

Yates. T. B., & Marek, E. A. (2014). Teachers teaching misconceptions: A study of factors contributing to high school biology students’ acquisition of biological evolution-related misconceptions. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 7(7). doi:10.1186/s12052-014-0007-2

Yates, T. B., & Marek, E. A. (2013). Is Oklahoma really OK? A regional study of the prevalence of biological evolution-related misconceptions held by introductory biology teachers. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 6(1), 1-20.

Biles, C., & Yates, T., (2006). Physiology Lab Manual (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing.


2016 University of Oklahoma Jennie Rainbolt College of Education EDSC 6333 Research Paradigms in Scientific Investigations guest speaker: Research Strategies, Methodologies and Quantitative Analysis Associated with Three Recently Published Research Papers.

2014 University of Oklahoma EDSC 6532 Research Paradigms for Scientific Investigation class guest speaker: Student Acquisition of Biological Evolution-Related Misconceptions: The Role of Public High School Introductory Biology Teachers.

2012 University of Oklahoma Precollegiate Academies Field Studies in Multidisciplinary Biology, OU Biological Station: Science and its Methods.


  • National Association for Health Advisors for the Health Professions
  • National Association of Biology Teachers
  • Oklahoma Academy of Science

Additional Information

2012 University of Oklahoma Provost’s Ph.D. Dissertation Prize for best dissertation in the social sciences, education, and professions category: Student Acquisition of Biological Evolution-related Misconceptions: The role of Public High School Introductory Biology Teachers.