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Dr. Stephen Sims
Dr. Stephen Sims

Dr. Stephen Sims

Clair McGavern-Nancy Montgomery Professor of Music
Associate Professor of Music


Dr. Sims serves as Associate Professor of Music-Worship Leadership in the division of music. He also served as instructor of voice at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, TX, before coming to OBU. As a lyric baritone he has sung in numerous concert and operatic settings.

Equally at home in the private studio and the classroom, Sims thoroughly enjoys ministering to his students and witnessing their spiritual and personal transformation by God. He has served as music/worship pastor for churches in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Kentucky and possesses a strong passion for corporate worship in the local church. He also enjoys reading, watching the History Channel, refinishing old furniture, and spending time with his family.


  • D.M.A., Texas Tech University
  • M.C.M., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • B.M.E., Oklahoma Baptist University

Subjects Taught

  • Voice
  • Worship Studies
  • Bison Glee Club
  • 519 Collective

Professional Memberships

  • Baptist Church Music Conference
  • College Music Society

Selected Presentations

  • Guest speaker with Dr. Mathew Emerson, “Messenger Insight” podcast on OBU Worship Studies program; Chris Forbes c/o Oklahoma Baptists, December 7, 2021.
  • Guest speaker, “Words Matter” podcast; FBC Seminole, March 22, 2021.

Selected Lectures

  • “The Scriptural Foundation for Strong Church Music.” Guest lecture for Biblical Studies course, May 2, 2022; Dr. Mario Melendez, professor.