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Dr. Kaine Ezell
Dr. Kaine Ezell

Dr. Kaine Ezell

Professor of English


Dr. Ezell arrived at OBU in 2012 after earning his Ph.D. at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Ezell's academic fields of emphasis include American Literature, American Humor and Satire, Mark Twain, Popular Culture, and English Education. His book, Humor and Satire on Contemporary Television, was released by Routledge Publishing in June 2016. Currently, Dr. Ezell's research includes examining the compatibility of the Christian ethic and satire. At OBU, Dr. Ezell has taught courses in early American literature, American satire, and English Language Arts Methods. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Dr. Ezell also observes English Education students during their student teaching experiences. He also serves as faculty cosponsor of OBU's chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society. He has also served on OBU's Faculty Council, Faculty Development Committee, Honors Committee, and the Teacher Education Commit tee.


  • B.A. Southern Arkansas University, 2002
  • B.S.E. Southern Arkansas University, 2002
  • M.A. University of Arkansas, 2008
  • Ph.D. University of Arkansas, 2012
  • Dissertation: Evolution or Revolution: American Humor Gets Animated

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 1153: English Composition: Exposition and Argument
  • ENGL 1163: English Composition: Composition and Classical Literature
  • ENGL 2013: Western Civilization: Literature
  • ENGL 2023: Modern Civilization: Literature
  • ENGL 2113: Introduction to American Studies
  • ENGL 2123: 19th Century American Literature
  • EDUC 3983: Secondary Methods: Language Arts
  • ENGL 4323: Special Topics: American Humor and Satire

Selected Publications

Humor and Satire on Contemporary Television: Animation and the American Joke.
Routledge, 2016.

“Uncle Silas in Huckleberry Finn: ‘A mighty nice old man’” The Mark Twain Annual
(2011): 98-110.

“Talk Like a Gentleman: John Mayfield’s Counterfeit Gentlemen.” H-Net: Southern
Literature Forum. 2011.


  • Sigma Tau Delta
  • Modern Language Association
  • National Council of Teachers of English
  • Christianity and Literature
  • Southwestern Popular Culture Association