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Jack Moore
Jack Moore

Jack Moore

Director of Development
Assistant to the President for Strategic Partnerships


Jack Moore joined the University Advancement Team in September 2011 as the director of strategic partnerships and assistant to the president for special projects after a successful leadership career in the banking, oil and healthcare industries.

Born in Columbia, South Carolina and raised in Jacksonville, Texas, Moore left Stephen F. Austin University to begin his banking career in Texas. Quickly making a name for himself, he moved to Oklahoma City as a commercial loan officer at First National Bank & Trust. From the bank, Moore stepped into executive positions at Anson Corporation and Consolidated Management Services, Inc.

Sensing a call to ministry, Moore joined the pastoral team of Putnam City Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK in 1986, and two years later graduated from OBU as a non-traditional student with a Bachelor of Science in Education. For the next few years, he undertook graduate work at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary while serving as Executive Pastor at Putnam city Baptist Church.

In 1992, Moore returned to the corporate world as a consultant to the healthcare industry, and for the next 18 years he held leadership positions at Diagnostic Pathology Services, Inc., Diagnostic Pathology Management Services, Inc., and Venture Capital Groups all of the Oklahoma City area.

Moore continues to serve on the boards of a variety of banking and Christian organizations. He and his wife, Betty, are active members at the First Baptist Church of Chandler, OK, where they serve as student and career Sunday school teachers. They have two children and four grandchildren.